Slash News

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Nintendo Gaming Remote Control

This Friday, Nintendo revolutionised the Gaming Industry by launching an unconventional Game controller aptly named "Revolution" console. Nintendo President Satoru Iwata launched it at the Tokyo Game Show. The controller is similar to a conventional TV Remote Controller, that has a Motion detection Sensors, allowing players to move and swing it around like an actual Sword, Gun, Steering Wheel or a Baseball Bat and more depending upon the game.

The Nintendo launch was the biggest buzz at the Game Show, and is expected to attract 150,000 people. The Revolution is available in bright red, black, silver, white and green colors. It can also be fitted with a joystick add-on. Also, people can use it with much ease, just like a TV Remote, so gamers can adapt to use quickly.

The Virtual Reality that it creates in the minds of players while holding the controller in hands is the biggest advantage. Players can handle it like an actual handheld during their games. It adds a lot more real experience to the game and extends the effect to near reality. Nintendo calls this motion sensor based technology as a "direct pointing device".

Nintendo is dominating the market for the handheld game machines with its Game Boy, while Sony leads the home game consoles with the PlayStation. Nintendo has sold 66.79 million units worldwide, while Sony has sold 91 million PlayStation2 consoles worldwide over the last five years, 21 million of them in Asia, although more than 100 million of the original PlayStations have been sold worldwide.

Further, Nintendo snatched the limelight from Microsoft XBox 360, scheduled to be launched in November. Microsoft is strongly pushing XBox360, learning from the past failure of the original XBox. Microsoft sold 21.9 million XBox consoles worldwide during 3 years, but it failed miserably in Asia, including Japan, where Sony PlayStation dominates strongly.

Microsoft is trying hard to appeal Japanese consumers by signing on designers popular here to make games exclusive for XBox 360, such as "Final Fantasy XL" and "Ninety-Nine Nights". Microsoft has partnered up with all the industry's leading games developers -- including Electronic Arts, Activision and Ubisoft -- and plans to develop games specifically for Japan.
But Sony is confident that the PlayStation3 will be a hit. The PS3 will be equipped with the world's most advanced Cell processor, which is 35 times as powerful as the PlayStation2. None of the "Revolution" and "PlayStation 3" are expected to arrive before XBox 360, so Microsoft needs to play really safe to dominate the market and stand competition when Nintendo and Sony start selling their products.


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